Sherron Karasek Independent Demonstrator Stampin' Up! Email: Phone: 360-578-1228

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Busy, Busy Week

It has been a crazy week as I raced to prepare projects for Simply Stampin' Lunch Bunch and a new workshop plus do bazaar goodies for two events in early November and December.  And I had a bunch of packages to mail from my retired stamp sales on Ebay.  We head out on vacation tomorrow and so everything had to be prepared early.  It is always nice to get away from the wet and overcast skies although this year we may not be able to escape them.  The temperature in Hawaii will be warmer, but they are being brushed by a hurricane as I write so not expecting lots of sunshine.  I'll try to do a little blogging while I'm gone as I always take my Ipad and Iphone, but I'm still having trouble getting the pictures to download on both gadgets.

I've been working on my occasions tree in the entry and I have a few more pumpkins and leaves to make, but it is looking pretty cute.  This is my first year to make all of the ornaments for the October tree.  Usually I just put leaves and some tissue pumpkins on it, but the Curvy Keepsake Box Thinlit just asked for something to made from it and I had to create pumpkins and witches along with the leaves from the leaf die.  Isn't it cute?
 I just love all of the fun things that you can make with the Curvy Die.  You will be seeing lots more of this in the months to come, but here is a closeup of the pumpkin and witch with the supplies to make each.

The witches hair is made with the burlap ribbon by cutting off one side and carefully pulling the strands out.  I just love her.  She looks the way I feel on many days.  Hope these made you happy by looking at them.  Try making them.  They are super easy.  Wait until you see the Santas and Snowmen.  

More to come from Hawaii.  Have a great week.  Hugs, Sherron

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