Sherron Karasek Independent Demonstrator Stampin' Up! Email: Phone: 360-578-1228

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Stampaholics Anonymous

It's been another busy week and I think it will be this way until after Christmas.  I received my new catalog order and did my last workshop of this year.  The Wild Cards stamp club was so fun.  One of the members, Barb Jewell has a gorgeous house just down the street from mine and her decorating is exquisite.  Would you believe that I forgot to take any pictures of her 14 Christmas trees and all the little cubby holes and vignettes that she has placed throughout her house.  It was an awesome workshop and the refreshments prepared by hostess, Arlene Smith were to die for. 

Today was my last Stampaholics Anonymous for 2014.  It was a little bit wild with two brand new stampers joining us and lots of my regulars.  My good friend and downline demonstrator, Jana Gann had prepared some gift tags and a fun little box for a class so I shared those with everyone.  Thanks goodness, another of my wonderful downline demonstrators, Darlene Almer was here and helped to teach the projects once she learned them.  I was very busy bringing down supplies and preparing the treats that I am known for.  Most of my stampers tell everyone that they come for the fun, friendship and food.  I prepared my world famous peanut brittle and almond roca cookies for everyone as well as had lots of great Costco cheese and crackers.  It's world famous because my soon to be grandson in law is from Australia and raves about my cooking.  Here are pics of the group and the fun tags and box everyone was able to make.

Yesterday, we drove north to Olympia, our state capitol to pick up our Grand Dog, Harley.  He was given to me about five years ago, but my daughter and her family decided that they needed a dog after their's had died of old age so they dognapped him at Christmas time that year and so I get him each year when they go on vacation.  They are at DisneyWorld for eight days so we get to keep Harley until Christmas when they will come down for dinner, brunch and presents.  Isn't he a doll.

My Shih Tzu who will be 10 years old in May is my baby, but Harley and Brandy play so well together and have such a good time, it is a joy to have him here to play for the two weeks.  They are both so cute together.
 Brandy on the left and Harley on the right.  I couldn't get them both to look at me at the same time so had to take two pics to get both of them full faced.
I have lots of other things to post and will try to get back into everyday or so.  I want to share the cards from my Swap of the Month group, plus I am getting ready for my classes the end of December plus I received the first swap for this month's Aerubbecisor swap today.  Hope your Christmas preps are going well.  I am madly sewing my Christmas projects while making Christmas cards and getting them in the mail.  More to come.  Hugs, Sherron

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