Sherron Karasek Independent Demonstrator Stampin' Up! Email: Phone: 360-578-1228

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I am sharing my 70th birthday with my wonderful family.  My birthday always falls in Thanksgiving week, but when it falls on a Thursday, it is always on Thanksgiving.  This year is a special year as it is really the last time that all of us will be together.  My second granddaughter, Kira graduated from the University of Washington a year and a half ago and while she was getting her Psychology and Sociology degrees she traveled to Australia to visit friends that she had met during the Bejing Olympics when she had danced with the Northwest Dance troupe.  She did a semester at the University of Sydney and continued to visit with friends falling in love with an Aussie, Clinton Lough.  Last year he came to visit for his summer break and asked her to marry him.  She said yes.  After spending a year getting her teaching Masters, she immigrated to Australia in June and has been working on a temporary visa.  They are both here for his summer break and we are enjoying all of the preparations for their wedding next July.  All of my children, three daughters and their husbands and my eight grandchildren are spending this Thanksgiving with Kira and Clinton to celebrate the last Thanksgiving that we can expect to have everyone together.  It just happened to fall on my 70th birthday.  What a blessing.  I love my family and can hardly believe that I have had them all with me for the past 51 holiday seasons.  All good things must come to an end.  I foresee some trips to Australia in my future.

Here is the last of the Lunch Bunch cards. This is another one that I cased from some fabulous demonstrator, but I lost the sticky note telling me who.   Hope you have enjoyed these fun projects.  Stay tuned for the Aerubbecisor swaps coming up and the cards that I am doing for my stamp clubs in the next two weeks.


I hope you all are having a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with your family and friends.  If all is going well, my Seahawks are beating the San Francisco 49ers and it is wonderful Thanksgiving Celebration. Hugs Sherron

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