Sherron Karasek Independent Demonstrator Stampin' Up! Email: Phone: 360-578-1228

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Waterfall Card

One of my favorite unusual cards to make is called a Waterfall Card.  I made them many time more than 10 years ago and as usually happens, I forgot about it until I saw a great video that Julie Davison did.  It rekindled my love of them so I copied her Sea Street card for Lunch Bunch this week.  Julie is one of the nicest people you could ever meet and she is so giving in what she shares.  You will love her card and if you want to see more of her great posts, google her and you will find her website.


Isn't it a fun card?  If you would like to learn how to make one for yourself, come to Stampaholics Anonymous on November 9  and I will be happy to teach you.  If you would like to join one of my fun groups who make cards like this every month, let me know and I will give you all the details about my events or check out my Stampin' Up! website at for a complete list of November's event schedule.  Hugs Sherron

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